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Unable to install some apps on Apple Watch Series 4 from an iPhone 6 Plus

Catégories : Apple Watch, Geek, Informatique · par 25 Nov 2018

L’article en français est disponible à cette adresse :

Issue description

Since watchOS 5.1 and iOS 12.1 release (October 30, 2018), some applications are no longer installed on the AW S4 from an iPhone 6 Plus.

I spent 3 hours with a Genius in the Apple Store without it being able to solve this issue.

  • Reset as new watch => Same issue
  • Paired with an iPhone X => Not problem
  • Reset as new iPhone whitout backup restore => Same issue

I have found this thread on Apple forums :

Workaround this issue

For workaround this issue, I use the free version of iMazing 2:

Install iMazing 2 on your Mac or PC and plug your iPhone in USB.

Select your iPhone in availaible device list on the left and click on « Manage Apps » in the right column.

This window appears:

Right-click on the application that does not work on the watch (Messenger by example) and, in the menu, click on « Install to Device »:

Login with your Apple ID to download the application:

The application is updated on the phone. No data is deleted or lost:

After installation, the app is « cleaned » and a blue dot appears on the left.

You can now install the app on the watch:

And that’s the result:

(1) Comment

Cliff Penwell
6 ans ago · Répondre

Thank you so much! I did all the usual things to try to install Cultured Code’s « Things 3 » to my Apple Watch Series 4 onto my iPhone 6+, with no luck. I used your solution (sent to me by the way from Julia at Things Support) and it worked perfectly. Very grateful to you.

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